Monday, January 31, 2011

Tips to Be a Successful College Student

 My husband graduated as Cum Laude in Electronics Engineering way back year 2002 in one of the most popular university in Cebu, Philippines. Actually as of the time I wrote this tips, I am still studying Bachelor of Arts in Music. I am currently at the second semester in my first year as a university student.

The first semester is of course a success, I manage to included as one of the College of Arts Dean List honors. The following list of tips is for everyone looking for success in their college/university studies. And I do believe that all of these tips can be applied regardless of age, course and school where you are currently studying.

Be warned that there is no easy path to success in college education, its all about hard work, perseverance, commitment and patience. And that what's I learned from my husband with those years of experiences he shared to me many times about how he manage to reach honors at end of his college studies. So let's get started...

Tip#1: Always bring an assignment notebook and write EVERYTHING what the instructor needs you to do for tomorrow or coming days/weeks.

Reason: One of the common mistakes student commits when studying college is carelessness and lack of responsibility/focus as a student. Too many times they are too shy to write an assignment notebook because they think everyone else is not doing it. In fact, writing what the instructor needs you to do is a smart way to keep you updated with all the assignments, quiz schedules, reading assignments and examination tips that are vital for your success until the end of the semester.

Tip#2: Buy or secure all books, handbooks and reading materials the instructor “wants” you to have  

Reason:  This includes the main course textbook,manuals and other references that instructor is using. Sometimes the references (which are books that the instructor does not require) are where most of the examinations are taken, so if you do not have any of these resources you will be having a hard time studying and passing every exams.

Tip#3: The consistent number of hours dedicated to STUDYING everyday

Reason: This does not only apply to school days but the entire days of the week. The main difference between successful and unsuccessful students, is that those successful ones are studying everyday at least 6 hours. While those problematic students only care about studies when they are at school.

Tip#4: Study and understand the topic in ADVANCE before a formal instructor discussion

Reason: Successful students tend to be curious about the the course topic that all of them care to study in advance. It is why it is very useful to have those study materials/references with you. Ask the instructor what are the complete course outline so that you can study it in advance. Of course, since you are new to the topic, confusion is normal. This is where you can write those questions so that the time when the instructor discusses that topic, you can ask that question and have it answered.

Tip#5: Don't be absent even a single session IF possible

Reason: It is because if you are always absent, you miss a lot of scoring opportunities not counting those discussions that are important during the exams.

Tip#6: Participate ACTIVELY in any oral discussion opportunities

Reason: Instructor loves active and participative students. In return, they will give them a good grade for active participation, so make sure you are always raising your hands wheneven a instructor ask the class about a certain question. Passive students doesn't care about the instructor questions, in return instructor doesn't care about their grades. You need to be active during class discussion.

Tip#7. Difficult instructors care beyond grades

In every college studies, there are difficult instructors. These are the instructors or instructors nicknamed as “terror” by students. The truth is that these instructors are just “perfectionist” in any way that they demand the students “respect”, “attention”, “participation”, “time” and most importantly your grades and your smiles. The trick is to study harder if your instructor is difficult and try the best to get good grades during exam. Then you need to be nice to your instructor and don't behave in a way you hate the instructor. Sometimes even academic performances are not enough for these type of instructors. You also need to be behave well in class and show outmost respect to that instructor.

Tip#8: Aim 100% in every exam.

Sounds impossible, but its not. Actually this is a great technique applied by honor students. I mean they always targeting to be perfect in every exam. If they do not actually hit 100% but at least they got 90% or even 95% at least which is still a very good grade. In the end, their average can be very high that they will qualify for honors. Some students will just dream to reach passing grade, and if they miss out that passing mark just a little; they will surely fail.

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