Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How to Use the Time in Effective Ways

  Let us eat and Drink for Tomorrow we will Die

Have you try to waste your time?
Have you experienced to be thrifty?
Do you believe that life is so short?
Are you the one controlled your life on earth? Who made this world?
What are the things that you think you contribute to the world?
Are you satisfied of your life today? 
These questions will wake up in your mind how important is your life, in every blink and beat of your heart!

There’s nothing you can do only if you just prepare whatever happens now, later and tomorrow. Many times I’ve always repeated how valuable the time, it is because if you don’t value the time, in every tick of the clock, you miss the important thing that needs you to do.

How to avoid wasting Time;

1.Time is your competitor. Time is Free and it doesn’t ruin your life but you are taking advantage of the time. You already knew that we only have 24 hours in one day, but you’d never use it in effective way. A person can sleep 6-8 hours a day but sometimes it depends of the age. If you are in 30’s above, your sleeping hours is decreasing because it is an instinct. So, if you sleep 8 hours a day, you will have the remaining of time 24hrs.-8hrs. =16hours. It all up to you how will you use the 16hours remaining.
I have shown the sample time management as a Full Time House Wife.

2. Don’t fail to commit your Time Schedule. Especially if you are a student there are many disturbances like, invitations of friends to go to party, Watch Movie in Theater, Watch useless television shows, surfing on the Internet without purpose and chat with friends. If you have no focus and commitment of your schedule, then it is better not to plan. 

So, if you are not planning you are among of the people who waste their time. And you are loser. Do you like to hear a loser? Of course not! So, what are you thinking and waiting for, break your doubt into reality! Common do it now!

3. Review and Recheck your tasks. It is very simple to get a pen and a paper then write the task of the day but, it is quite hard to check the list of what are the things that is already done. The reason why is it vital to always look at your list is that to make it sure and to remind yourself that you are following the task.

4. Be Thankful to God of what you have finished. Try to be realistic when you make a schedule, because if you are out of control to write lists of works then at the end you will regret because you think you’ve never completed your work. Even the easiest task to do you must be proud to put it on your list because everything is important. 

5. Keep on doing the good job and keep on improving it. Tomorrow is a new day but the time is always the same 24 hours. If there are things that need to develop on how to use your time effectively, apply it on the next schedule. So, are you ready? This will make you happier to use your time very well.


  1. Tomorrow is a new day but the time is always the same 24 hours. If there are things that need to develop on how to use your time effectively,I remember time was in quite a slow mode of perception. Like I am fully aware of every second. I was…'. I remember flying down the wave like I was doing a vision quest to do a perfect bottom turn.I will make my happier to use my time very well.

    1. Thank you tessie. Just keep tracking your work to do everyday. And do it with passion and love.
